2016, Number 2
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Rev Cub Oftal 2016; 29 (2)
Corneal alterations in diabetic patients
Hormigó PI, Cárdenas DT, Duperet CD, Cuan AY, Trujillo FK, Rodríguez SB
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 285-291
PDF size: 65.45 Kb.
Diabetes Mellitus, a frequent disease worldwide, has a great impact on the society,
not only for their high prevalence, but for their chronic complications and high
mortality. It has an effect on 180 million people approximately in the world. The
prevalence of diabetes (type I and II) is estimated to be 13 % in patients older than
60 years. The corneal structure undergoes changes in diabetic patients; the
hyperglycemia affects the corneal hydration and causes variations in the corneal
thickness, with occurrence of visible keratometric changes detected in the corneal
topography. The corneas of diabetic patients show epithelial, stromal and endothelial
alterations. Additionally, there is decrease in endothelial permeability during the phase of hypoxia that relate these effects of diabetes in the endothelial cells. The
objective of our study was to deal with the different corneal alterations in diabetic
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