2016, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2016; 32 (1)
Periodontal disease, is it one more risk factor for atherothrombotic ischemic stroke?
González DME, Morales ADR
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 107-112
PDF size: 59.52 Kb.
The biologically plausible relation existing between the occurrence of
cerebrovascular accidents, particularly of atherothrombotic ischemic stroke, and the
presence of chronic immunoinflammatory periodontal disease is explained in a
compacted way. The need for studies linking both entities is suggested for
conciliating the results of the international researches with those carried out in our environment. The analysis of the periodontal state in patients from risk groups of
victims on cerebrovascular disease is proposed. Considering the chronic
immunoinflammatory periodontal disease as a risk factor for atherothrombotic
ischemic stroke should pass from a question to a strategy.
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