2016, Number 3
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Rev Clin Esc Med 2016; 6 (3)
Vacuna contra virus del Papiloma Humano: Análisis de esquemas de dos dosificaciones
Acuña RK, Vega QM, Salazar AN, Escalante GC
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 11-22
PDF size: 565.89 Kb.
Virus de Papiloma Humano. Vacunación. Proteínas semejantes al virus. Esquemas de dos dosis.
The infection by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the most frequent sexual transmitted infection worldwide, documented in both genders. Due to its etiological roll on the development of premalignant and malignant lesions in different anatomic locations, several vaccines have been established as an important tool in primary care on the prevention of theses neoplasias, mainly on the battle against uterine cervix cancer. This vaccines had proven to be highly effective, preventing transmission and progression of other diseases related to HPV infection in usual tree-dose schedule. Although, the high cost of HPV-vaccines and the difficulties to complete usual schedules are mayor obstacles to succeed. That is the reason why many recent studies have been focused on reduce and simplify schedules that can be compared on efficacy with usual tree-dose programs; with the purpose of increasing vaccine accessibility to the most vulnerable population.
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