2016, Number 3
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Rev Clin Esc Med 2016; 6 (3)
Cáncer de Testículo: Revisión Bibliográfica
Solís FW, Ávila DS, Curling SB
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 11-15
PDF size: 419.90 Kb.
Testicular cancer is a rare tumor type accounting for 1% of malignancies in men. It is, however, the most common cancer in young men in West-ern populations. The incidence of testicular can-cer is increasing globally, although a decline in mortality rates has been reported in Western countries. It is important to identify whether the variations in trends observed between popula-tions are linked to genetic or environmental fac-tors.
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Rustom P. Manecksha and John M. Fitzpatrick. (2009). Epidemiology of testicular cancer. University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland. P. 1329-1333.
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