2016, Number 2
Spinobasocellular carcinoma
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 255-258
PDF size: 206.66 Kb.
Tumors of the ocular annexes have globally increased in the last 5 years. Some of them are rare, damaging visual functions, causing the loss of the eyeball and affecting patient's life, the ophthalmological findings of a case diagnosed and treated in the provincial consultation of oculoplastics in Pinar del Rio are presented, the patient suffered from an ulcerated, vascularized lesion in the inner angle of the right eye, with irregular surface and edges, about 5 mm and rapid growth. The ablation and biopsy of the lesion was performed, a spinobasocellular carcinoma was diagnosed. This condition required a multidisciplinary treatment with special attention to the external eye surface to prevent alterations affecting the vision and the permanent loss of eyeball.REFERENCES
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