2016, Number 2
Association of cytohistological diagnosis and lung cancer in Pinar del Rio
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 188-193
PDF size: 235.72 Kb.
Introduction: lung cancer is the most frequent type of cancer in developed countries and it is the leading cause of death in both men and women. In Cuba it represents the first order among men and women, discounting skin tumors. Its diagnosis can be made by cytology, but biopsy remains as the gold standard.Objective: to characterize lung cancer cytohistologically at Abel Santamaria Cuadrado university hospital in 2014.
Methods: an observational, descriptive and retrospective study was conducted. Target group: all patients with a cytological study corresponding to bronchial secretions through washing methods, bronchial brushing, undergoing to a subsequent histological study (N = 243). Sample: it was comprised of patients with histological confirmation of lung cancer who underwent previous cytological studies (n = 231). Data were taken from the records of biopsies of the Department of Pathology.
Results: it was more frequent in male gender, with prevalence of cigarette smoking in both genders.
Conclusions: cytological diagnosis of bronchial secretions and BAAF in peripheral lesions is useful and important, a high percentage of positive and suspicious diagnoses by means of this method, the highest number of the cases diagnosed suffered from non-small cell carcinomas. A close cytohistological relationship among the varieties of lung carcinoma was observed, adenocarcinoma was the most frequent.
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