2016, Number 2
Herbal medicine as a therapy in a doctor's office
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 182-187
PDF size: 263.61 Kb.
Introduction: man creates better living conditions and herbal medicine has always been at man's side to cure their ailments. Herbal medicine plays an important role in health care by the positive effects that medicinal plants have in a variety of pathologies.Objective: to characterize the therapeutic of herbal medicine in a doctor's office.
Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional and analytical research was conducted at No-9 doctor's office belonging to "Raul Sanchez Rodriguez" polyclinic during the last quarter of 2015. The target group, coinciding with the sample of study consisted of 185 patients who follow herbal medicine treatments of their own preference. The variables explored were: age bracket, biological gender and diagnosis, herbal treatment (the recommended medicinal plant, advisable preparation and indicated part of the plant to be used) constantly adhering to the International Code of Bioethics.
Results: female gender prevailed (61.6%) and the age bracket of 50 years and older (37.3%). Within the diagnoses common cold and anxious-depressive syndrome with 34% and 15.7% respectively predominated. Regarding the therapeutic of herbal medicinal plants, Salvia Castilla, sweet orange and French oregano were used in 63 patients; boiling process was used in 58.9% of them as an advisable preparation and the use of leaves prevailed in the 80% of herbal remedies.
Conclusions: herbal medicine has a prevailing use as a therapy in the doctor's office, which helps to increase healing and quality of life of patients.
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