2016, Number 4
Derivation of formative objectives in the matter Morphophysiology in the development of intellectual skills
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 617-627
PDF size: 57.71 Kb.
The university should have professors leading the students to develop skills and habits allowing them to appropriate the content of each matter. The objective of the current work is discussing the importance of derivating forming objectives in the development of logic-intellectual skills in the matter Morphophysiology. The objective is a main category of the teaching-learning process and the skills system represents the successful and conscious acquisition of the skill, in tight relation with the habits that also guaranty the action mastering, but in a more automatic form. This complex discipline integrates a system of essential content given by the basic biomedical sciences, where the main role is plaid by the student, while the professor is the one in charge of organizing and directing learning to the achievement of expected objectives and skills. We analyzed Topic 5 Regulation of reproduction of the matter Morphophysiology IV. It was carried out a derivation of the objectives for the workshop, organizing form that is necessary to develop the skill of explaining that is not included in the topic. It was concluded that the success of the teaching process depends on the adequate objectives derivation and the professors´ mastering of the system of knowledge and skills.REFERENCES
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