2016, Number 4
Several post-intervention outcomes in the control, treatment and complications of arterial hypertension. University Policlinic 'Heroes del Moncada'. Cardenas 2014
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 553-564
PDF size: 72.69 Kb.
Background: the education of the hypertensive patient and the health team are important elements for the better control of arterial hypertension.Objective: increasing controlled patients to 70%.
Materials and Methods: A quasi-experimental epidemiologic study was carried out. The intervention was headed to family physicians, basic work teams, the community and hypertensive patients. Two samples were chosen (350 different hypertensive patients), before and after interventions, applying interviews, measuring with results comparisons, statistical tests: Chi
Outcomes: The controlled hypertensive patients and treatment adherence increased, with significant statistical differences, p ‹ 0.05. There were not differences between the five most used medications. In the post-intervention period, treatment adherence, low salt and fat diet, fruits and vegetables consumption, and no smoking showed significant statistic association with controlled hypertensive patients. The average diastolic and systolic pressure and complications decreased, with significant statistical differences p ‹ 0.05.
Conclusions: The controlled hypertensive patients increased and the life quality of the hypertensive patients improved.
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