2016, Number 4
Informational competences of professors of the Medical Sciences University of Matanzas
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 543-552
PDF size: 53.87 Kb.
Background: the competences (skills, attitudes and aptitudes) for the access and usage of the digital and printed information are the base for the continuous learning during the entire life.Objective: identifying the factors affecting the development of informational competences in professors of the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas.
Materials and Methods: a descriptive study was carried out in the period from January to May 2015, using theoretical and empiric methods, and statistical procedures. The universe of the research was formed by 166 professors of the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas, and the sample of the research, intentional and non-probabilistic, is integrated by 42 professors.
Outcomes: they don't use the information in decision-taking and they don't teach their students to do it, being a competence that has to be used in the field of public health; insufficient knowledge of the norms of bibliographic redaction and scarce participation of professors in virtual courses.
Conclusions: the carried-out diagnosis probed that there are difficulties in the usage of the Informational Competences by professors.
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