2016, Number s2
Pharmacology cinema as a learning resource for the therapeutic training through the Primary Health Care
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 48-65
PDF size: 167.72 Kb.
Background: the cinema and the television can be used as a health education modality for the population through the primary health care.Objective: to design activities for the therapeutic education of the population related with the rational use of the medications through the employment of the Pharmacology cinema, as a learning resource.
Methods: it was carried out a descriptive study within the qualitative approach during the first semester of the academic year 2014-2015; theoretical and empiric methods were used for the information searching and processing and the specialists’ criteria for the proposal improving and remodeling before putting it into practice.
Results: deficiencies were identified in the medical sciences syllabuses related with the therapeutic education of the population on the consumption of medications; there is a prevalence of investigations on the pharmacology cinema employment in undergraduate students, but there are few empiric studies published in Cuba on the employment of audiovisuals to strengthen health promotion, the patients´ education references are scarce on this topic, that´s why activities related with the use of drugs were designed using this learning resource.
Conclusions: they were valued as adequate by the specialists' criteria by their planning and coherence among their elements, its quality is appropriate to develop capacities in the population that allow them to take appropriate decisions to assume healthy behaviors in relation to medications and to contribute to their rational use.
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