2016, Number 1
Discrepancies in the grouping of ABO blood group system
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 142-146
PDF size: 200.14 Kb.
Transfusional Medicine has achieved important advances in recent decades, and it has been recognized as a multidisciplinary field; which is aimed at obtaining and selecting blood components. It has represented a progress for the detection of multiple diseases that were fatal to human life in other precedent times. The possibility of this therapeutic action has become increasingly safe, despite the presupposed risks. The transfusion of blood components establishes as basic and indispensable condition ABO and Rh compatibility between donor and recipient. Three cases of school-aged patients are presented with relapsed malignancies, poly-transfused patients belonging to a determined blood group show a declining of antigens and antibodies resulting in another blood group, and during the remission of the disease they go back to their own blood group, this is fact that not often occurs, but it is described by the medical literature.REFERENCES
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