2016, Number 1
Professional acting modes: need and challenge in the training process of the Dentistry major
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 95-102
PDF size: 171.77 Kb.
Introduction: the upward development of professional acting modes constitutes a complex didactic approach which globalizes in itself the social objective of training a professional, who has influence on the health needs of the population.Objective: to determine the level of understanding the acting modes of the highest teaching rank professionals and of other aspects related to the degree in which they contribute from the authorities in which the Teaching-educational Process of Dentistry major is organized at Pinar del Rio University of Medical Sciences.
Method: a qualitative and descriptive study was conducted in the Dentistry major at the University of Medical Sciences, Pinar del Rio between january and april 2015. Theoretical and empirical methods were used. Empirical methods were document analysis and survey. 12 auxiliary teachers belonging to the Main Comprehensive Discipline were selected by probability sampling, simple random, . A survey exploring perceptions of criteria and tribute and achievement of professional acting modes in the major was given.
Results: 50% of the professors interviewed, with an overview of the modes of acting, interpreted them within the category of skills; 58.3% minimized the role of the subjects that are not part of the main comprehensive discipline; 66.6% of those answering the questions considered that the subject is frequently mentioned in the activities of the methodological plan, but not with the required depth, and 100% that Plan-D has an advanced design than the previous one and therefore a better acknowledgment of such acting modes.
Conclusions: understanding the scope of the acting modes is not known in all its scope. This complex didactic category that globalizes itself the goal of the society in the quality of the trained professional depends on a versatile, comprehensive, proactive and contextualized teaching-learning process which should be led by wisdom to the institutional syllabus.
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