2016, Number 1
Quality of life and perceived social support in the elderly
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 47-53
PDF size: 257.77 Kb.
Introduction: population aging is a significant health problem both in Cuba and in the world, confirming a rapid growth in recent years.Objective: the present study is aimed at characterizing the quality of life and perceived social support in the elderly from the Grandparents' Club belonging to health area No. 3 ("5 de Septiembre") in Consolación del Sur, Pinar del Rio province from January to March 2014.
Method: a descriptive study was performed using a non-experimental, transversal design with a non-probabilistic sample of subjects.The instruments used were the MGH Quality of Life Scale, the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support Zimet and the semi-structured interview.
Results: in the study, the female sex is predominant among the elderly; the prevailing age range is that of 60 to 69 years old and the married status also predominates as well as the university educational level. The family structure was characterized by the presence of small and bigenerational families. The prevailing quality of life was high, and the health dimension exhibits a higher level of satisfaction. The predominant perceived social support was high, being the family the main source of support for this group. Seventy five percent (75%) of the elderly perceived high social support, only forty percent (40%) showed a higher quality of life.
Conclusions: the study has shown that the high perception of social support reported by the population under study is expressed in a higher quality of life of the elderly.
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