2016, Number 1
Risk factors associated with falls in the elderly at 'Hermanos Cruz' teaching polyclinic
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 40-46
PDF size: 370.95 Kb.
Introduction: falls undoubtedly constitute a major medical and social problem, having a great incidence among the elderly population, the problems derived from them and the progressive increase of 60 years old and older people.Objective: to identify the risk factors associated with falls in the elderly during 2014, in a Basic Working Team from "Hermanos Cruz" university polyclinic, Pinar del Río.
Methods: theoretical (historical-logical, analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction procedures), empirical (documentary analysis of medical records and surveys applied to the elderly and their families or caregivers), where methods of descriptive statistics through summary measures for qualitative variables (percentage) were used.
Results: 6.7% of elderly having falls are between 60 and 70 years old and male sex (9.7%). The extrinsic environmental risk factors that most affected were those related to footwear and those present in the bedroom; physiological risk factors were gait disturbances in men, and multipathology/polypharmacy in women; others found were cardiovascular diseases, cervical osteoarthritis and cataracts.
Conclusions: falls in the elderly represent a problem to the public health care system and for the No-1 Basic Working Team at "Hermanos Cruz" university polyclinic, which has a propensity to worsen with the demographic aging, so knowledge increase and the modification of associated risk factors are very important to deal with their prevention and control.
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