2016, Number 3
Oligodontia treatment of 31 and 41 trough the combination of orthodontics and Implant techniques
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 640-648
PDF size: 275.29 Kb.
Introduction: oligodontia is the congenital absence of one or more teeth; this is an anomaly of the number of the dental formula that affects approximately 4% of patients, occurring more frequently in females. It is the cause of aesthetic and functional effects that affect the biopsychosocial integrity of individuals.Case report: it is presented a case where it is described a combined treatment in the specialties of Orthodontics and Implants to work out an oligodontia of 31 and 41, with persistence of 71 and 81. A straight arc technique was used to correct the convergence in the cervico- apical sense of the roots 32 and 42, which prevented the initial placement of the implants. There were placed two implants via trans- alveolar trademark Nano 3.2 mm long by 13 mm high, performing a technique of immediate post extraction loading. It was restored by acrylic cemented crowns. The patient was satisfied with the treatment received.
Discussion: immediate implant technique arises from the need to reduce the treatment times; they also counter a number of changes produced in tissues.
Conclusions: the adequate interrelation and planning of the treatment among the specialties of Orthodontics and Implants guarantee the success of implant therapy.
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