2016, Number 3
Psychosocial factors and depression
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 586-602
PDF size: 208.58 Kb.
Introduction: depression is a serious public health problem and a major cause of disability worldwide.Objective: to identify the relationship between depression and some psychosocial factors.
Method: descriptive, transversal research of 114 depressed patients and 64 mentally sound who came to the hospital Madre Obrera, in Llallagua, Bolivia, between June 2006 and February 2008. Some demographic variables and early and current adverse events were identified. Chi square and odds ratio for statistical analysis were used.
Results: depression was more common in women, the mean age was 45.9 years; the risk factors for depression were the illiteracy, unemployment, being a housewife, being divorced or widowed and have 5 or more children. Early adverse events were more common in depressed patients (74.6%) than in healthy ones (53.1%). Almost all depressed persons (99.1%) referred current negative events; the average of events in them was 4.2 and 1.4 in the healthy.
Conclusions: traumatic experiences that occur at early ages of life predispose to depression in adulthood. Depressed people have more current vital negative events and seem to be more susceptible to the depressant effect of them.
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