2016, Number 1
Antibacterial prescription on health services of Latin-American School of Medicine. Havana,2012-2013
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 16-23
PDF size: 1059.33 Kb.
Objective: To characterize the antibacterial prescription and the treatment diagrams applied to students who went to external consultation and emergency service of Latin American School of Medicine.Method: A descriptive and retrospective study that checked the archived prescription in the School Clinical Pharmacy, that prescription was delivered during September and October 2012-2013.The sample took 612 prescriptions with the inclusion requirements established. The results of variables investigated were introduced in a Excel application of Microsoft Office 2003 and be analyzed by descriptive statistics.
Results: The 57,2% of antibacterial prescriptions was prescribed in the emergency service. The prescriptions on infection respiratory deseases were predominant. (43,6%), skin and subcutaneous cellular tissue(14,4%) and urinary tract (12,1%).The macrolidos(144),penicillin (137), quinolonas(86) and cephalosporins(80) were the families or pharmacological groups more prescribed, among these, azitromicin (103), ciprofloxacina (76), cefalexina (55) y amoxicilina (50) were predominant.
Conclusions: The families and pharmacological groups prescribed and treatment diagram suggested in the Therapy Guides examine, coincided; not in the case of antibacterial prescribed by each group and not with the recommended now in some studies conducted on the motion of resistant bacteries in the community.
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