2016, Number 2
Curricular assessment of the subject Comprehensive Family Dental Care
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 301-316
PDF size: 120.28 Kb.
Introduction: The Curriculum D of the Dentistry major conceives the existence of an integrative core discipline called Comprehensive Dentistry based on the concept of interdisciplinarity and greater curricular flexibility. Objective: To conduct an assessment of the Comprehensive Family Dental Care II program of study as it relates to Curriculum D of the Dentistry Major. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Medical Sciences in May 2015. By means of documentary analysis of Curriculum D and the syllabus of the integrative core discipline, the criteria from different professors about the potentialities and limitations of the curricular design were explored. The teaching process administrative staff members as well as experienced professors were interviewed. Results: Legal Dentistry is not considered to be among the instructive objectives of the Dentistry major. However, it is taken into account when addressing patient health conditions, the behavioral development of the future professional and the general objectives of the 4th year, in which this subject is taught. The design of the first instructive objective is considered very general and broad. Conclusions: The location of Comprehensive Dentistry in the curricular design is appropriate. It contains enough hours for the practice at dental clinics and a correct gradation of the theoretical activities. A very broad and lengthy content in topic III, as well as scarce and outdated literature, were the negative aspects detected.REFERENCES
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