2016, Number 2
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Rev Hum Med 2016; 16 (2)
Conversational reformulation in older adults
Martínez SC, Noemi PC
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 227-245
PDF size: 129.61 Kb.
This study aimed to determine the types of activities of conversational
reformulation that occur during oral dialogues with older adults who have
varying levels of cognitive performance. Study participants, who ranged
between normal cognitive function and mild cognitive impairment, were given
the task of constructing a narrative-argumentative dialogue. For qualitative
investigation purposes, a corpus of four interviews was obtained. Each series of
interviews were encoded using ATLAS.ti software which generated linked
concepts and explanations from the data. Findings were then compared with
the available theoretical framework. The results indicated that participants
exhibited three modes of reformulation technique: self-initiated selfreformulation
activities; self-reformulation started by another person; and
hetero-reformulation derived from self-start. The first two were reduced in
speakers exhibiting mild cognitive impairment, while the latter was the most
frequent and dominant mode in the conversation. Speakers with mild cognitive
impairment executed reformulations that did not correct or enhance the speech,
and as such did not meet the purpose of reformulation.
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