2016, Number 07
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MediSan 2016; 20 (07)
Activation of the Toll-like receptors in the adipose cell: their influence in the beginning and permanence of obesity
Basain VJM, Valdés AMC, Pérez MM, Martínez IA
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1017-1025
PDF size: 170.31 Kb.
Infantile obesity constitutes an important health problem at the present time that is
experiencing an increment in the entire world. In obese people the excess of white
adipic tissue generates a low degree chronic inflammatory response, when increasing the
secretion of inflammatory molecules and diminishing the anti-inflammatory ones--
adiponectin and cytosine--. At the moment it is recognized that the adipic tissue
possesses implications in the innate immunity because in the adipose cell, Toll-like
receptors are expressed and drive to a cascade of intracelular signaling when being
activated, and the beginning of an inflammatory response is promoted this way. Due to
the importance of the topic, in this work this cellular process and its influence in the
beginning and the perpetuation of the proinflamatory state in the obesity is described.
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