2016, Number 1
Stroke of the rehabilitation. Second part
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 125-137
PDF size: 128.51 Kb.
Introduction: The stroke is a disease that for its importance merits an interdisciplinary focus due to improves the clinical evolution and the rehabilitation treatment.Objective: To bring and optimize the rehabilitation management and to contribute to diminish the grade of disability.
Methods: An exploratory study was made of the published literature including the electronic material and the knowledgement was organized doing a especial emphasis in rehabilitation.
Development: The stroke is the mean cause of disability attended in our center, and this deserves an integral and actualized focus. A good physical exam permits to establish the objects of the treatment that will be in a direct relation with the disabilities, this will minimize through the rehabilitation treatment. It will permit the success.
Conclusions: The rehabilitation treatment should be precocities it will establish strategies that always will be achieved looking for an increase of the function and decrease the grade of disability direct to get the independence and the incorporation to society.
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