2015, Number 1
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Cuba y Salud 2015; 10 (1)
Results of the social interaction variable during the institutional evaluation in the Latin American School of Medicine
Pérez AM, Tamayo TA
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 46-51
PDF size: 236.92 Kb.
Accreditation as a process recognizes in public or certifies the quality of the career evaluated and it comprises
evaluation of the institution itself, as well as the evaluation by a group of external surveyors. The main outcomes
of the external evaluation are described in the present study, as part of the evaluation process in the area of
Science Direction, Technological Innovation and Postgrade (SDTIP) of the Latin American School of Medicine
(LASM), above all, the variable of social interaction, in June 2014. A Plan of improvement was elaborated and
the Doctorate Formation Strategy was redesigned to increase the amount of Doctors in Science to a 25% the
next five years (2014-2018) in the LASM, taking into account the current aspirants and the staff´s scientific
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