2014, Number 3
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Cuba y Salud 2014; 9 (3)
Anatomic variants of the superficial veins for carrying out arteriovenous fistulas for hemodialysis
Vera RO, de la Torre RMM, Serrano GLM, Guillemί ÁN, Arecncibia NIA
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 9-14
PDF size: 388.63 Kb.
Objetive: To determine the significance of the anatomic variants of the superior limbs’superficial veins for the arteriovenous fistulas functioning for hemodialysis.
Method: An analytical observational study was carried out in patients who went to the Angiology consultation at “Manuel Ascunce Doménech” Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital in Camagüey province, with a diagnosis of a terminal chronic renal insufficiency during the period from May 2010 to December 2011, the sample included 50 patients diagnosed with that
affection and with criterion of hemodialysis. All patients variables associated to their diseases were investigated.
Results: In the demographic variables relating to sex and age groups, it was shown that among the 50 patients included, 27 were women and 23 men. In both genders the highest percentage was observed in ages between 60 and 69 years:
9 females (33,3%) and 8 males (34,8%). Regarding the variants of distribution of the superficial veins, single veins
predominated, with anastomosis in M (30 cases, 60%), followed by junctions in Y (20%) and simple path. There was
significant relationship between the surgical technique used and the lateral arteriovenous fistulas functioning. The laterolateral arteriovenous fistulas were the most effective.
Conclusions: Women and the patients aged between 60 and 69 years predominate in the study. Superficial single veins
with a simple path are predominant, and the anastomosis type in M. Significant association between the arteriovenous
fistulas functioning and the surgical technique used is proved.
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