2016, Number 3
Bucco-facial morphological characteristics in the first year of life in children from Santa Clara municipality
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 185-192
PDF size: 180.39 Kb.
Introduction: pathological conditions of the processes of growth and craniofacial development can cause some disorders.Objective: to characterize bucco-facial morphology from birth to the first year of life in children of Santa Clara municipality.
Methods: a prospective, longitudinal descriptive study was carried out from September, 2012 to July, 2014; its universe was constituted by 359 children born in April and May, 2013. The sample consisted of 67 children who were examined at birth and again at six and twelve months. Criteria, that the specialized staff in this issue considered important in order to evaluate bucco-facial health during the first year of life, were compiled and validated; they were also applied to the sample, and their variations in this period were determined through techniques for statistical analysis.
Results: nasal bridge changed from flat to well - defined shape in the 100 % of the sample, alteration of labial muscle tone at birth in the 7.5 % and at 12 months in the 41.8 %; palatine vault was flat at birth in the 4.5 % of the sample and become arched in the 35.8 %; the insertion of upper labial frenum was low at birth in the 100 % and median at 12 months in the 61.2 %. Tooth eruption was more evident after six months of life and, until twelve months.
Conclusions: facial morphological variables had discrete variations until the first year of life, while buccal morphological variables showed more significant changes.
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