2016, Number 3
Biofilm: a new conception of dentobacterial plaque
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 167-175
PDF size: 130.87 Kb.
The present revision was aimed at attempting to bring the conceptions of dentobacterial plaque up to date, which can be understood as a biofilm. Stages of life cycle, system of communications among microorganisms, genetic interchange, microbial composition, host defense mechanisms and mechanisms of antibiotic resistance were described in detail during biofilm formation. This new vision of microbial plaque is of great importance in the diagnosis of periodontal diseases, because it allows to characterize its causal agent and interpret it as a community of diverse species, however, they constitute a complex ecological unit with a great potentiality, which are able to trigger an inflammatory response much more powerful and destructive than when the species that integrate it are in planktonic or free - floating form.REFERENCES
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