2016, Number 618
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2016; 73 (618)
Factores de riesgo para desarrollar pancreatitis aguda post colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica en el hospital San Juan de Dios durante el año 2013
Jiménez PMJ
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 53-58
PDF size: 190.27 Kb.
Objective: To determine risk
factors such as gender, age
and serum amylase levels to
develop acute pancreatitis after
ERCP in patients diagnosed
with choledocholithiasis and
/ or biliary cholangitis, in the
San Juan de Dios Hospital in
Methods: The study is a
transversal and descriptive non
experimental investigation in
which, after approval by the
Bioethics Committee of the
hospital, 115 files of patients who
met the inclusion criteria were
reviewed; using for the data
collection the admission form,
together with the medical story
of each patient included in this
Results: We determined
that within the population the
most affected are those between
the age of 25-54 years to 43.4%.
There is a female predominance
since 74.7% of the patients that
were subjected to a ERCP were
woman. Also it was determined
that choledocholitiasis was the
most common diagnosis, being
90.4%. Of the total population
that underwent the ERCP,
only 33.9% were measured
the serum amylase after the
procedure and 25.6% of them
presented amylase three times
above normal. The sensitivity
of serum amylase in the study
is 75% and specificity is 96%
longer than 6% of patients,
2.5% had elevated amylase.
Nationally, in the San Juan de
Dios Hospital incidence of acute
pancreatitis after ERCP during
2013 corresponds to 8.69%. The
presentation and progression of
acute pancreatitis after ERCP
procedure is well documented
in the literature and requires
the physician to evaluate this
possibility, especially because
of the potential risk that this
complication could have on
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