2016, Number 2
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Correo Científico Médico 2016; 20 (2)
The self-management of the knowledge as a current tendency of the high medical education
Bahr VP, De la Torre REE
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 345-358
PDF size: 293.29 Kb.
The self-management of the knowledge through the computer nets constitutes a current tendency of the medical education. With the objective of carrying out an analysis of these possibilities for the development of the medical teaching in Cuba, 45 articles and documents were revised. The information gathered and analyzed shows the forms of employment of the computer science and the international nets in the medical teaching of different universities of the world, and the potentialities of our net are recognized for the improvement of the teaching in Cuba, as well as the objective and subjective limitations that restrain this development. The authors concluded that the introduction of the self-management of the scientific information is one of the tendencies of more impact and it is strategically decisive, but it requires an analysis of the strategies because not all of them are effective. It is also necessary a more active attitude from the Information Centers.
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