2016, Number 3
La enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria crónica en jóvenes de la Provincia de Villa Clara
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 19-26
PDF size: 165.03 Kb.
Periodontal diseases are among the most common ailments that affect adolescents and young people. In order to describe chronic inflammatory periodontal disease in young people from 18 to 20 years of the Province of Villa Clara, it is conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study from January to December 2013; 510 youths of both sexes and from all municipalities were studied. The variables included in the study were age, sex, educational level, race, place of residence and periodontal condition. To determine the severity prevalence of periodontal disease the periodontal index was used in its revised form. The prevalence of periodontal disease was high and, in relation to gravity, moderate gingivitis; between the severity of chronic inflammatory periodontal disease the race, the average educational level and area of residence were not found significant differences.REFERENCES
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