2015, Number 615
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2015; 72 (615)
Información acerca del virus del ébola para el médico general
Harter S, Bolaños BLG, Estrada FLG
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 455-459
PDF size: 196.06 Kb.
The 2014 Ebola virus epidemic
is the largest in history,
predominantly affecting
multiple countries in West
Africa. The virus is spread
through direct contact with
blood and body fluids of
a person already showing
symptoms of the disease. The
risk of an Ebola outbreak
affecting multiple people in
the American continent is very
low; however it is important
for physicians to be familiar
with the CDC’s (center for
disease control and prevention)
guidelines for risk assessment
and case definition. Key factors
such as an epidemiological link
with a symptomatic patient are
stressed. Currently there are no
licensed treatments or vaccines
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