2016, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Informática Médica 2016; 8 (1)
Proposal for client architecture for user interface application of systems RIS XAVIA 2.0
Duque GEY
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 30-45
PDF size: 432.10 Kb.
Radiological Information System is in charge of information management in the radiology department in a health institution, and the management of medical records and the creation of work lists for equipment DICOM compatible. This system is designed as a web system due to the benefits of accessibility offered by the Web and the unstoppable growth and development of technologies that support it. This research aims to propose technologies, tools, structures and ultimately the client architecture for User Interface Application of the XAVIA RIS System, according to current trends in Web development.
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Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Internet]. Citado: 14 de Septiembre de 2015. Disponible en: https://www.microsoft.com/es-es/download/details.aspx?id=30653
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Wasson M. Getting Started with ASP.NET Web API 2 [Internet]. 2015.Citado: 07 de Septiembre de 2015. Disponible en:http://www.asp.net/webapi/overview/getting-started-with-aspnet-web-api/tutorial-your-first-web-api
Takada M. Single page apps in depth [Internet]. Citado: 16 de Septiembre de 2015. Disponible en: http://singlepageappbook.com/
Document Object Model (DOM) [Internet]. World Wide Web Consortium. 2009. Citado: 17 de Septiembre de 2015. Disponible en: http://www.w3.org/DOM/