2016, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Enf 2016; 32 (2)
Transcultural adaptation, validity and reliability of the Environmental Stress Questionnaire
Bernal RDC, González CRV
Language: Spanish
References: 31
PDF size: 141.60 Kb.
Introduction: the Environmental Stress Questionnaire is the latest version of a
measuring instrument used for determining the degree of stress and stressors that
affect adults during hospitalization in intensive care units. Its use for the classification
of the phenomenon has been supported in English, Chinese, Basaha, Portuguese and
Turkish, with facial validity, of content, construct and proven reliability. The literature
does not have any Spanish version available.
Objective: to establish a Spanish equivalent, valid and reliable version of the
Environmental Stress Questionnaire.
Methods: methodological quantitative study conducted from January 2014 to January
2015. Technical and back-translation was used for transcultural adaptation. The facial
validity was calculated with the simple concordance index; the content validity, Lawshe
modified index.
Results: the transcultural Spanish version of the Environmental Stress Questionnaire
was produced. The facial validity determined by experts modified the title; linguistic
quantifiers transformed nineteen items and deleted two. Content validity added three
items and eliminated ten which were redundant. The facial validity set by patients
ratified clarity, understanding, accuracy and form of the instrument. The scale has a
four-factor solution with an explained variance of 32.248%, a Cronbach's alpha of
0.877, a Spearman coefficient of 0.811 and a Guttman coefficient of 0.810.
Conclusion: the scale of stressing factor experienced by patients in the intensive care
unit is the validated Spanish version of the Environmental Stress Questionnaire, before
using it routinely, it is recommended to continue with its refinements.
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