2016, Number 2
Accomplishment of nursing activities in the prevention of pressure ulcers
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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Introduction: pressure ulcers lengthen hospital stay, produce a negative impact on the hospitalized person and raise care costs, a reason why they constitute a public health concern and an indicator of the quality of nursing care.Objective: to identify the accomplishment of nursing activities in the prevention of pressure ulcers.
Method: descriptive cross-sectional study carried out at three health facilities of Barranquilla during 2010. Target group: 97 nurses and nursing assistants. We used the instrument "accomplishment of basic criteria for pressure ulcer prevention in hospitalized patients" (F1-PUPPH/05). We created a database in Microsoft Excel. To assess the behavior of the studied variables, we used descriptive statistics (central tendency and variability measures, normality and detection of atypical and absent data).
Results: the most used accomplishment criteria for pressure ulcer prevention were the care plan execution; the use of elements available in prevention, with a 54.53%; and risk factors recording, with a 53.60%. The least used were risk assessing by using the recognized scores; and reassessment and adjustment according to the patient's state, with 58.76% each. 45.36% of the sample reaches the level of unaccomplishment of the prevention actions and 35.05% obtained a level of excellent.
Conclusions: competence weakness in applying pressure ulcer risk assessment scores confirms the importance of prevention activities accomplishment as a nursing care quality indicator, and produces a contribution to the resume, research and nursing practice.
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