2016, Number 2
Level of knowledge and risk factors predisposing Cumanayagua women to cervical-uterine cancer
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction: uterine cancer is second to breast cancer as it affects women with the highest frequency, and its cure depends on early diagnosis.Objective: to identify the level of knowledge and risk factors predisposing Cumanayagua women to cervical-uterine cancer.
Methods: descriptive cross-sectional study at Cumanayagua Polyclinic during the year 2013. The target group consisted of 51 women at ages 25-59 years and with cervicaluterine cancer. To gather the information, we reviewed the clinical and cytodiagnosis records and conducted a survey. To analyze the results, we used absolute and relative (percentages) frequencies.
Results: 80.39% had toxic habits, cigarettes consumption predominated (41.17%). 33.33% presented human papillomavirus infection. 23.53% had practiced abortion, out of which 17.64% were instrumented. Dyspareunia was the predominating symptom in 47.05%. 88.24% of the women were diagnosed in adult age. 92.15% have any lack of knowledge on cervical-uterine cancer, 58.82% out of which with regular knowledge and 33.33% with bad.
Conclusions: Among the predominating risk factors are toxic habits, such as smoking; vaginal infections, abortion and dyspareunia, the diagnosis of the disease in the adult age and insufficient level of knowledge about the topic.
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