2016, Number 3
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Rev Méd Electrón 2016; 38 (3)
Smoking: values and integrality
Plá GA, Elizarde GMG, Cárdenas FE, Solares CJC, Nieves SBN
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 460-469
PDF size: 56.84 Kb.
Smoking is a health problem of great magnitude around the world, and in Cuba it
shows a tendency to increase its incidence, most of all, in the ages of the
adolescence and youth. This work evaluated smoking as a cause of preventable
deceases, the different tendencies and the efforts made for diminishing the damage
it provokes, and also smoking beginning at early ages as expression of socially
learnt behavior. The existent legislation was reviewed in the different contexts and
it was stated the necessity of achieving the protection and integral formation of
children and young people from the part of the family, the school, the government
organizations and the social and massive organizations. Likewise, it was backed the
severe fulfillment of the laws in force and the inclusion of the “no smoking” among
the aspects to take into account in the student’s integral evaluation, inculcating this
approach as a part of the humanistic values and of the values of respect to life
right, to proper and another’s health, as expression of human solidarity.
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