2016, Number 3
Early syphilis prevalence. University Policlinic “Heroes del Moncada”. Cardenas, 2014
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 334-341
PDF size: 44.91 Kb.
Background: syphilis occurs everywhere around the world, being more common in urban areas. Due to the early syphilis increment, in spite of the government increasing efforts and the efforts of its health structures in preventing this disease, in the municipality of Cardenas it is a current reality.Aim: to evaluate the behavior of the early syphilis diagnosis in the University Policlinic “Heroes del Moncada” in the period January-October 2014.
Materials and Methods: a cross-sectional, descriptive study was carried out in 37 patients diagnosed with early syphilis acquired in the correspondent period from January to October 2014 in the University Policlinic “Heroes del Moncada”, municipality of Cardenas.
Outcomes: in the evaluated period 37 patients were diagnosed; of them, those aged between 35 and 40 years prevailed, for 27 %. Female patients also prevailed with 24 (64.8 %) patients. According to the sexual behavior, it was established that 33 patients (89 %) were heterosexual. Taking into account the diagnosis classification, 22 (59 %) corresponded to symptomatic early acquired syphilis, including a pediatric-age female patient. 6 pregnant women (16.1 %) were diagnosed with latent early acquired syphilis. The patients´ skin color was not significant. In relation with the residence place, it was the Popular Council Versalles, of the policlinic urban area, the one with more patients, with a total of 18 (48.6 %) patients diagnosed.
Conclusions: in the evaluated period, there they were diagnosed 37 patients with early acquired syphilis; the 35-40 years-old group was the one with more prevalence, and female gender prevailed with 64.8 % of the total of the patients.
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