2016, Number 3
Behaviour of skin cancer in the University Policlinic 'Heroes del Moncada', in Cardenas. A ten-year study
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 324-333
PDF size: 81.88 Kb.
Background: according to the World Health Organization, the incidence of skin cancer has tripled in the last two decades.Aim: to determine the behaviour of the skin cancer diagnosis in a ten-year period in the University Policlinic Heroes del Moncada, in Cardenas.
Materials and methods: it was carried out a descriptive, retrospective study of 215 patients diagnosed with skin cancer, in the period 2005-2014. Data were collected from the institution cancer record.
Outcomes: the most significant fact was that the higher incidence occurred in the age group between the fifth and seventh decades of live. The female gender prevailed with 114 patients (53.1%); it was found that 199 patients (92.5%) had white skin. Taking into account the diagnosis classification: 147 (68.37% corresponded to squamous carcinoma, 38 (17.67 %) to basal cell carcinoma and 26 (12.9 %) to trichoblastic carcinoma. The correlation between carcinoma clinical form and gender was significant, affecting 84 (74.34%) women in squamous carcinoma and 22 (21.57%) men in basal cell carcinoma.
Conclusions: the most affected gender is the female one and the white skin patients. The clinical form with higher prevalence was the squamous carcinoma that is the one with more risk of lymph node and visceral metastasis.
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