2015, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 2015; 41 (2)
Radical Hysterectomy video-laparoscopy
Díaz OI, Martínez Martínez-Pinillo ÁF, Castillo Y, Barreras GJE, Pereira FJ, Masa BN
Language: Spanish
References: 19
PDF size: 251.87 Kb.
Introduction: from the first attempts of laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 15 years ago the comparative or case/control studies have proved that the laparoscopic procedure is more timing consuming (30 to 60) minutes more than the open procedure, but the blood loss is diminishes, the bowel movements resume faster, there is reduced hospitalization and the post-operational outcome is the same as in the classical procedure.
Methods: it is carried out an observational descriptive study of a consecutive series of 15 patients to be achieved laparoscopic radical hysterectomy in the Minimally Invasive Surgery National Center, in the period between February 2012 and July 2013. The variables in the study were the age, surgical time, bleeding during the procedure, vascular and lymphatic space permeation, lymph node involvement and adjuvant therapy. Percentage, average and standard deviation were available like measures of summary the variable employed.
Results: the mean age of studied patients was 42,8±10 years. The surgical time was of 235,3±39,3 minutes and the media of bleeding during the procedure 98,3 mL±42,3 mL. There was one patient with lymph node involvement (6,67%). There were not complications during procedure. Two patient required adjuvant treatment (13,3%).
Conclusions: the laparoscopic radical hysterectomy is a feasible and sure procedure for the treatment and adjuvant therapy planning in cervical carcinoma.
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