2015, Number 6
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Rev Ciencias Médicas 2015; 19 (6)
Features to be considered in the pathogenesis of human leptospirosis
García PRÁ, García OM, García OM
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 1219-12930
PDF size: 484.93 Kb.
Introduction: a review of the pathogenesis of human leptospirosis was conducted,
given the importance of the disease in Cuba due to its morbidity and mortality
rates, endemism, with seasonal raising and occasional outbreaks, and the growth of
Objective: to update the pathophysiology for a better understanding of the clinical
manifestations, contributing to timely therapeutic and early diagnosis of the
Development: its pathogenesis is complex, with recently elucidated features.
Harmful substances produced by the microorganism, initially hypothetical as the
cytotoxic factor which damages the vascular endothelium causing vasculitis and
hemolytic enzymes that damage the red cell membrane, which have been recently
isolated. The importance of vascular endothelium in its pathogenesis, given by the
capillary vasculitis, and the deposit in these circulating immune complexes,
complemented by the amount of tissular damage, and the pathological activation
of clotting mechanism due to the enhancement of the injured vascular endothelium.
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia was also reported in a patient with confirmed
leptospirosis. The lack of vasculitis in patients, who died due to pulmonary
hemorrhage, hypothesizes about the endothelial dysfunction as the cause of organ
failure; reviewing the nonspecific inflammatory factors and neurological
mechanisms in the pathogenesis of the disease.
Conclusions: the most important aspects reviewed are highlighted, contributing to
the early diagnosis of the disease and its complications together with appropriate
and timely therapeutic practices.
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