2015, Number 6
Educational work as a way to strengthen values in Medicine major students
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1170-1186
PDF size: 531.85 Kb.
Introduction: education in values is a call within Cuban society and continues to be a challenge in training future professionals in the medical universities all over the country; it is a central point in the actions that take place on this topic within the educational work that is linked from the classroom to the rest of extracurricular activities.Objective: to assess the impact of the actions based on the education in values and the educational work from the implementation of the Comprehensive Educational Work Project at the university.
Method: a review of the documents established by a set of rules based on the fulfillment of the Comprehensive Educational Work Project at the university, for which the historical and logical, literature review and empirical methods by applying surveys to three brigades of students of the first academic degree of medical studies was used, together its application to the professors guiding these brigades.
Results: the social mission of medical by means of the university extension process complements the programs and contributes to preserve the culture from the formation of values and educational work, encouraging the changes in the society inside and outside the community.
Conclusions: the result of the review shows the impact of education in values which is achieved through the implementation of the Comprehensive Educational Work Project in three dimensions and as part of the social work, teaching and research work of the departments, academic-year group, discipline and subjects, emphasizing on the lecture.
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