2015, Number 6
Tutor training for the nursing major, a social perspective
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 1148-1157
PDF size: 1972.27 Kb.
Introduction: training of health professionals, particularly nurses, involves the acquisition of clinical skills, management skills and scientific research.Objective: to characterize the role of tutor in the nursing major at Abel Santamaría Cuadrado General Teaching Hospital, Pinar del Rio province during the academic course 2014-2015.
Material and methods: a pedagogical bias study based on the materialist-dialectic method integrating the methods of empirical and theoretical level was conducted. The study group consisted of 97 professor-tutors in nursing major and 225 students from second and fifth academic years of the major, a survey was applied. The variables used were: student-tutor relationship, professor-tutors’ rank, tutors’ functions, and professor-tutor preparedness for their performance and student satisfaction with the care of professor-tutor.
Results: the number of professor-tutors per working areas to achieve a studentprofessor- tutor relationship below 5 was considered, not all professors and tutors have teaching categorization and the generality of their functions are not mastered showing not an adequate participation in the methodological preparations planned.
Conclusions: the ratio of student-professor-tutor is 2 students per tutors. The largest numbers of professor-tutors are categorized as instructors. Most of the professor-tutors are performing administrative tasks. Among the functions they are performing the one mastered by professors-tutors is the academic consulting.
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