2016, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2016; 88 (2)
Somatic manifestations in a group of adolescents with anxiety disorders
Galiano RMC, Castellanos LT, Moreno MT
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 195-204
PDF size: 90.23 Kb.
Introduction: anxiety is the most prevailing psychiatric symptom in the modern
society and also in childhood and adolescence.
Objective: to characterize a group of anxious adolescence, the intensity of anxiety,
the clinical manifestations and the areas of conflict.
Methods: a descriptive study based on quantitative and qualitative techniques was
performed in 30 adolescents aged 11 to 16 years, who presented anxiety disorders
for over 6 months and randomly selected after giving their consent to be included in
the study. These patients had been seen at the infantile psychiatry service of the
university pediatric hospital Centro Habana from January to June 2014. The studied
variables were: age, sex, intensity of anxiety, clinical manifestations and areas of
conflicts. A psychiatric social history, psychiatric exam, psychological interview,
IDAREN test and Rotter's incomplete phrase test were all applied.
Results: in the study group, 77 % were 11 to 14 years, 73 % were females, with
middle and high level for anxiety-state (97 %) and anxiety-trait (83 %); somatic
manifestations such as sleep disorders (83 %), hyperactivity-excitement (80 %),
heart symptoms (77 %), epigastric_beat (70 %), stomachache (63 %), sweating
(53 %), and psychological manifestations as insecurity (70 %), feeling of being
threatened (67 %), difficult concentration and memorization (63 %), negative
feelings (60 %) and irritability (53 %) predominated. Eighty three percent of them
faced conflicts in their family setting, 70 % with their social relationships and 50 % at
the school area.
Conclusions: females, 11-14 years of age, middle and high levels for anxiety-state
and anxiety-trait, somatic symptoms of anxiety and conflicts in the family setting are
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