2016, Number 2
Educational intervention in breastfeeding in the first six months of life
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 130-143
PDF size: 135.95 Kb.
Introduction: use of human milk as food in the first six months of life does not reach the expected results yet.Objective: to determine the effect of an educational intervention on breastfeeding in the first six months of life in two groups of children.
Methods: prospective, analytical case-control study was conducted after an educational intervention involving pregnant women from “Luis Augusto Turcios Lima” polyclinics in San José de las Lajas. Two homogeneous groups of 67 mothers and their children, one trained and the other untrained control, were created. The study variables were length of breastfeeding, causes of breastfeeding cessation, morbidity, weight and size at birth after 3 and 6 months. Microstat statistical package allowed processing the whole information. Statistic χ2 was used. In case of significant differences, then Duncan's multiple comparison statistic was applied.
Results: the mothers in the trained group exclusively breastfed their infants mostly for 4 to 6 months whereas the untrained ones did it for 1 to 3 months. In the control group, morbid processes, hospitalizations and use of antibiotics were more common. The study group reached the best percentiles of weight-to-age and weight-to-height.
Conclusions: the educational intervention proved to be effective since longer length of exclusive breastfeeding, less morbidity and higher percentiles of weight and height for age were reached in the study group.
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