2016, Number 2
Tratamiento del escalón mesial funcional patológico en un niño de cinco años de edad
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 44-48
PDF size: 417.01 Kb.
Early orthodontic therapy in primary teeth is indicated in cases where a pathological functional mesial step exists in order to prevent a real prognathism in adulthood. A male patient of five years old was presented with this malocclusion to which was applied a therapeutic with indirect flat tracks. In addition to functional therapy according to the philosophy of neuroclusal rehabilitation, which included psychotherapy, selective cut and control habits, as well as the indication of a fibrous diet, parents and child were trained for bilateral mastication during meals consciously. Finally, the results showed a favorable balance with the use of this therapy for the elimination of pathological functional mesial step and morphological and functional harmony was achieved at an early age of development.REFERENCES
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