2016, Number 2
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2016; 24 (2)
Thanatology care to improve spiritual well-being of hospitalized patients with burns
Fajardo-Gámez ML, Molina-Prado MT, Korkowski-Zepeda IR, Ambriz-Orozco LM, Zavala-Díaz R, Luna-Pizarro D, García-Fajardo LV
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 99-108
PDF size: 341.17 Kb.
Objetive: to evaluate the effect of Thanatology counseling in burn patients through the FaCITSp12
spiritual well-being scale.
Methodolog: the study population comprised of hospitalized patients with several burn injuries.
Socio-demographic information was collected, and participants completed the FACIT-Sp12 scale
for spiritual well-being assessment the first and last day of hospital stay. Thanatology counseling
was provided to them through the complete hospitalization time. Descriptive statistics was calculated
for socio-demographic variables and non-parametric tests to calculate differences between
obtained scores.
Results: the sample included 107 burn patients and scored 35.7 in the FACIT-Sp12 scale applied
at baseline. This score increased to 40.7 at the end of treatment, which indicates an improvement
in the spiritual well-being of patients and this difference was statistically significant (
Z = −6.53,
p = 0.000).
Conclusion: thanatology counseling should be included as part of the integral treatment given to
burn patients because it has showed to improve their spiritual well-being, therefore it has a positive
effect in their recovery during their hospital stay.
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