2016, Number 2
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2016; 15 (2)
Quality of life related to health in children and adolescents with cancer treated at Oncohematology services Havana, 2011-2013
Llantá AMC, Grau ÁJ, Bayarre VHD, Renó CJS, Machín GS, Verdecia CC
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 285-299
PDF size: 222.56 Kb.
Introduction: The impact and psychological repercussion of cancer in childhood
justify the importance of the researches on quality of life related to patients’ health.
Objective: Describe the researches with socio-demographic and clinical variables on
onco-pediatric patients who are under oncohematological services in Havana from
2011 to 2013.
Material and Methods: A descriptive research with 150 children that fulfill the
inclusion criteria. A system of life quality evaluation for children who suffer from
cancer was applied; this system of evaluation was developed in Cuba. Punctual and at
interval appraisals were done to the 95% of the global arithmetic average and by
dimension through socio-demographic and clinical variables. Different test were used;
t student for independent samples, the ANOVA of one way and the Scheffe.
Results: The global average of the quality of life related to health was 3, 49. The
worst evolutions were on the dimension of symptoms associated to treatment (5, 88)
and for preoccupations. There were significant differences in different dimensions for
socio-demographic and clinical variables.
Conclusions: The patients showed high and average levels of quality of life related to
health. The dimensions: symptoms associated to treatment, preoccupations,
emotional symptoms, validity and primary symptoms were the worst evaluated
dimensions. Academic level, type of treatment, and time of evolution differentiate
patients with a tendency to have a better or worse global quality of life related to
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