2016, Number 2
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2016; 15 (2)
Pediatric mortality for non intentional injury in Havana. 2003-2012
Acosta TJ, Consuegra OA, Acosta BB, Rodríguez BJ, Acosta BJ
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 235-246
PDF size: 175.35 Kb.
Introduction: unintentional accidents and injuries mean a world health problem, and
turn out to be the first pediatric cause of death.
Objective: to describe the epidemiologic behavior of pediatric mortality due to
unintentional accidents and injuries in Havana.
Material and Methods: a descriptive and retrospective study about 216 deaths by
this cause that did occurs between 2003-2012, in ages from 0-14 years old, according
to data offered by the statistic department of the provincial health headquarters, and
the variables studied were: year, age, sex, municipality, drowning sites, and kinds
according to the international classification of diseases X edition. The percentage
method was used; tables and graphs were made by means of the program XLSTAT,
the rates were calculated x 100 000 inhabitants.
Results: decreasing death rates in the decade from 0, 92 and 0, 76 (2003) to 0, 68 y
0, 25 (2012) in males and females respectively. The most frequent causes were:
traffic (41,2%), drowning (24%), suffocation (6,4%), and intoxication (5,5%). The
adolescents and schoolmate pedestrian died in more proportion for traffic accidents.
The drowning, happening mostly in school (40,3%) and pre-school (30,7%) in pools
and sea both with 19,2% and places without security aquatic 26,9%. The intoxication
showed up same proportion in adolescent and pre-school with 46,1% and the
asphyxia in nurslings with 84,6%. The traffic accidents and drowning showed bigger
deaths in the municipality Boyeros.
Conclusions: Mortality due to accidents still turns out to be a cardinal health problem
in pediatric ages.
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