2016, Number S1
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2016; 13 (S1)
General characteristics of the main groups of Emerging Drugs: cathinones, piperazines and spices
Lajús BG
Language: Spanish
References: 26
PDF size: 98.41 Kb.
Introduction: the vast, changing and diverse group of emerging drugs, of varied origin, composition and effects of various kinds, has invaded the whole world in the twenty-first century, and as a pandemic spreads and devours the man, his family and the community, where the most vulnerable are still younger.
Objective: To increase awareness of the main groups of emerging drugs: cathinones, piperazines and spices emerged in the last five years.
Method: for it searched the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsyclNFO, EBSCO, HINARI, Dissertation Abstracts and articles identified in their bibliographies, in addition to individual searches of MEDLINE of authors who have reported information regarding the emerging drug consumption in the last five years.
Conclusions: The severity of the emerging drug phenomenon is that of them not escape almost any country. They are therefore substances are in full and continuous evolution to sophisticated obtained by synthesis processes which, in most cases, an enigma. The information obtained is usually pseudo science that is often used as a justification for promoting the use from many websites. The virtual and globalized nature of the Internet makes it difficult to apply restrictive legal measures and their relative anonymity favors trade and distribution. Their proliferation becomes an alert for modern communities that threaten life and stability of the planet earth.
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