2016, Number 2
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salud publica mex 2016; 58 (2)
The burden of cancer in Mexico, 1990-2013
Gómez-Dantés H, Lamadrid-Figueroa H, Cahuana-Hurtado L, Silverman-Retana O, Montero P, González-Robledo MC, Fitzmaurice C, Pain A, Allen C, Dicker DJ, Hamavid H, López A, Murray C, Naghavi M, Lozano R
Language: English
References: 61
Page: 118-131
PDF size: 704.38 Kb.
Objective. To analyze mortality and incidence for 28 cancers
by deprivation status, age and sex from 1990 to 2013.
Materials and methods. The data and methodological
approaches provided by the Global Burden of Disease (GBD
2013) were used.
Results. Trends from 1990 to 2013 show
important changes in cancer epidemiology in Mexico. While
some cancers show a decreasing trend in incidence and mortality
(lung, cervical) others emerge as relevant health priorities
(prostate, breast, stomach, colorectal and liver cancer).
Age standardized incidence and mortality rates for all cancers
are higher in the northern states while the central states show
a decreasing trend in the mortality rate. The analysis show
that infection related cancers like cervical or liver cancer
play a bigger role in more deprived states and that cancers
with risk factors related to lifestyle like colorectal cancer are
more common in less marginalized states.
The burden of cancer in Mexico shows complex regional
patterns by age, sex, types of cancer and deprivation status.
Creation of a national cancer registry is crucial.
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