2016, Number 1
Challenges of rheumatoid arthritis patients trans and post anesthetic management
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 17-23
PDF size: 110.61 Kb.
Introduction: the patient with rheumatoid arthritis is susceptible to, at some point in their lives, require surgical intervention whether or not this constitutes a part of their main disease treatment. Anesthesiologists face the challenge of these patients management due to all the implications that this pathology entails, problems arising from disease progress, to teratological complications and functional limitations.Objective: to summarize some of the most important scientific evidence on trans and post anesthetic management of rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Development: a systematic search of PubMed, Elsevier, The Network of Advanced Medicine, MeshPubMed, Web of Knowledge and Google Scholar was performed using the MeSH terms: rheumatoid arthritis, anesthesia, anesthetic management and intraoperative complications. ILAR guidelines, Rheumatic Diseases Interest Group in the European Parliament, Rheumatoid Arthritis Latin American Group and related articles were also reviewed. The search has been limited to articles written in Spanish and English language between the years 2010 and 2015. 10 additional studies were added at author’s discretion. As an exclusion criteria editorial works and case reports were not selected.
Conclusions: the progress in the knowledge of rheumatoid arthritis patients trans and post anesthetic management and the recognition of its importance at present do not yet awake enough attention from the scientific community about the role of the multidisciplinary team, in which anesthesiologists and rheumatologists acquired special prominence. Research shows that two moments that represent major concerns are trans and post anesthetic periods, which have particularly important implications for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
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